Monday, March 29, 2010

Utah State Chariot Championship

Saturday February 27, 2010.
While Rylee, Mom and I were walking a 5K before heading up to the races...
Grandpa was pulled through the mud while helping Ron Robinson
warm up the second team he drove. I did not find this out until after all
the races were over and we were talking to him in the barn, waiting to load up
and head for the house.
Sunday February 28, 2010.
Had the driver of the other chariot in Grandpa's race turned
around or listened to the announcer,
this is the site he would have seen and/or heard.
  1. No Driver
  2. C.C. bearing down on his chariot.
  3. The announcer repeatedly telling him to look over his shoulder.
    There was a runaway team behind him.

Back in the starting gate...C.C. did not start. Knockdown broke from the starting gate as planned. This caused the horses to twist and the chariot to dump Grandpa out onto the ground. And the horses to have a free run down the track. They were picked up nicely by the outriders, whose job it is to pick up runaways. The horses sustained no injuries.

The paramedics were called in.

Paramedic #1 to Grandpa, "Sir, do you know where you are?"
Grandpa, "Hell yeah, I'm on the ground!"

He's tough and we love him. But holy smoke...He scarred us!
Needless to say He did not place at the State level.

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