Sunday, January 3, 2010

Rylee gets a Big-Girl haircut!

Align CenterEver since Aunt Kerri went looking for a new hair style Rylee has been wanting to get her hair cut short. Or at least shorter. Before allowing this I put a chemical straightener in her hair to get it more relaxed and more manageable for her. She was extremely excited. I have not done her hair at all since we got it cut on 1-3-2010. She is very good at getting it the way she wants it. She is even learning how to use the plug in straightener on her NEW bangs. She is having the time of her life.
(And poor mom finds herself with more time
on her hands in the morning.
She did get to set her alarm for 3:40 a.m.
now instead of 3:30 a.m.
since there is nothing she can do to help
Rylee with her hair that early in the morning.)

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