Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Years Party of QUELF.

Do not ask, "What is Quelf?"
My best answer would be...
A horrible, annoying and utterly fantastically fun game!!

First of all it is a board game. Played with cards of different colors. Each pile of colors requires that individual to do an act, the entire game players to do an act, or that you do the required act on your turn.

(Just so you know this is my kind of game.)

For instance...
I drew a card that required that anyone taking the lead in the game to ride a pretend stick horse, slap their bottom and yell, "Get along little doggie."

(Loren, who hates the game, was the new leader at least 3 times. Hilarious watching him ride
his wild pony. Makes me laugh out loud just remembering. Love ya brother!)

At one point in the game Jolynn drew a card that required everyone to be silent until it was their turn to roll the dice. On my next turn, in my very best "Santa" voice I had to ask myself if I had been naughty or nice this year. Depending on my answer I could move 2 spaces ahead or go back.

(Since I am always good, I moved ahead 2 space!)

Then...each person had to take their turn sitting on my lap silently telling "Santa" what they wanted for Christmas! It was so funny, that they had a hard time miming their wishes while they giggled silently and uncontrollably.

(All the cell phone cameras came out when Wayne,
let me know he wanted Karen to have bigger you-know- whats!)

I have to tell my brother and
his family, "Thank You" for
including us in their New Years
plans again. This was our 3rd year
ringing in the New Year with them.
I even made up it past midnight.
(Although I fell asleep earlier while watching, Star Trek. Does it still count?)

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